Show debut for Temptation
Show debut for Temptation We are very proud of our hopeful offspring male Papirunners Dark Temptation
Show debut for Temptation We are very proud of our hopeful offspring male Papirunners Dark Temptation
Papirunners Da-Capo new pictures from Da-Capo. Thank you to Fam.Kettler for good care of this little sweety. He is now 4 1/2 month old
CACIB SALZBURG Papillon: Papirunners Cheescake EX1/CACIB/BOB All Inclusiv: EX1/r.CACIB Mias Royalty Skyfall: Ex1/J-BOB
National Show Langerwehe Kelebeks all Inclusiv both day´s Ex1 / CAC /Best female Mia´s Royalty Skyfall 1x EX 1 / JCAC
CACIB Offenburg Papirunners Cheescake Ex1 / CACIB/BOB and selected under best 5 in BIG!!
Weekend in CZ Successful weekend in CZ we are sooo proud on our Team Thank you to Judges Mr. Vanaken Jean-Francois & Robert Schill
New Home All our D-puppys found a super home we are looking forward to see some news and photos